Saturday, September 6, 2014

Bullies with a Mission

My family and I have tried our best to be supporters of our local pit bull rescue, Fresno Bully Rescue, for years. In fact, we were in the midst of adopting a puppy from them but with all my health problems during July and August we had to put it on hold, and he was adopted into another loving home in the mean time.
We were so happy for him, but we were all very sad. Losing the baby then losing Sanders broke our hearts, but that’s where Spots came into the picture. 

We bought spots from a family here in town whose pit-bull had 8 puppies. The sign posted said pit-bull puppies for $40.00. It sent shivers up my spine. Only two kinds of people, in my mind, buy pit bulls for $40.00. That’s people like us that love the breed and then there are people who buy and did buy 4 puppies at time for other purposes. We feel like even though we didn't adopt him through Fresno Bully Rescue we still saved his life.

Regardless, we are still huge fans of Fresno Bully Rescue. 
 Fresno Bully Rescue
They have done amazing things towards the education, awareness of the breed as well as the rescue, rehabilitation, and re-homing of these amazing animals. Most of who were rescued once already from high kill shelters. Most pit-bull breeds in city and kill shelters are euthanized for no other reason other than that they are pit-bulls or pit-bull mixes. Fresno Bully Rescue does everything they can to swoop in and become super heroes, pulling these beautiful dogs from life threatening situations and taking them to their very well maintained facility or put them up in foster homes until forever homes can be found.

Like most non-profit dog rescue groups, this one is not immune to the lack of funding, food, toys, bed, and even people.

Today, Ben, Tristan, and I headed up in the morning to the rescue facility. The current location is about 30 minutes or so away from us, but it was nice morning and beautiful drive. We attended our first volunteer orientation. I had been trying to do this for years, things just came up and or I never made it a real priority. Today, however, was the day and I had been looking forward to it for weeks.
We, along with about 40-60 new volunteers were taught about the rules of the rescue and the facility. They educated us on the reality of the volunteer situation and the needs of the program. We were then taken on tour of the facility and were introduced to and educated about every dog there. I have to tell you, that was the hardest part. I was ready to take home at least 4 of those beautiful loving dogs!!!!
 Pete @ Fresno Bully rescue
Pete @ Fresno Bully Rescue

We didn't walk anyone today because it was long morning and my guys were hot, but we are going back next weekend, or I am…. And we are so excited about making this a regular part of our lives.
Before we attended today’s orientation, we knew that in about a year when spots had been through his training we would go back to Fresno Bully Rescue and adopt and older dog…. Man, I am looking forward to that.  All in all, we love dogs. Do we love pit-bulls? Yes…. Are we pit-bull people? Yes, only because of our experience with Kenya. Because of her and our research about the breed when she was a puppy, we have since become advocates for the breed and when people see a scary pit-bull beast in a dog, we oooooh and aww and coo at their cute bully faces. That’s how we got to where we are with this breed.
 Fonzey @ FBR
Fonzey @ FBR
We wonder if we really are “pit-bull” people as we are now training new pit-bull puppy that is ALL pit-bull…. No matter what we discover what I know be to true is, these animals deserve loving homes- and your life will never be the same after you have fallen in love with a precious pity. Take a minute or two and check out Fresno Bully’s Web Page. Go visit and or go volunteer! Meet some handsome and lovely pities! You will be forever glad that you did!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Cuz I love em!

I have every intention on posting about our love of the pitt bull breed. I have a desire to educate and inform people about the truth about this misunderstood breed. But in the mean time, here are some cutie pics of my crazy dogs!
More to come!
This is Spots... Our Currently 3 Month old new addition!

Look at that sweet face! Don't let him fool you- he is a terror!

This is River. River is a 9 year old Lab Mix that we adopted three years ago! He is Big, Hairy, and 100% Kenya's Dog!

Here they are together! Kenya and River pre Spots! Love this pic

And this... this is Kenya. We adopted Kenya 10 years ago when I was pregnant with Tristan. She is the best dog ever and she is who started our love of the pitt bull breed.