Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Cuz I love em!

I have every intention on posting about our love of the pitt bull breed. I have a desire to educate and inform people about the truth about this misunderstood breed. But in the mean time, here are some cutie pics of my crazy dogs!
More to come!
This is Spots... Our Currently 3 Month old new addition!

Look at that sweet face! Don't let him fool you- he is a terror!

This is River. River is a 9 year old Lab Mix that we adopted three years ago! He is Big, Hairy, and 100% Kenya's Dog!

Here they are together! Kenya and River pre Spots! Love this pic

And this... this is Kenya. We adopted Kenya 10 years ago when I was pregnant with Tristan. She is the best dog ever and she is who started our love of the pitt bull breed.

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