Saturday, June 28, 2014


Hello all, well to whomever has accidentally found this blog. As I said I really hope to get this blog up and running by January… however some interesting things have happened in the mean time. By interesting I mean… we are moving… literally right now. Also even more interesting is that we recently found out that we are expecting! YEA! That is interesting as our 1st born will be 9 in September…. So, needless to say we are both surprised and extremely excited.
As this move has snuck up on us quickly, a ton of my projects that I have planned are being put on the … to do as we can do list. This frustrates me; as I had these semi unrealistic hopes that this move would be different in that all my projects would be done before we moved. Add being pregnant to that and very overprotective husband… I can’t do some of these projects without “supervision” like I would have before. So… though it will be slower going… it does mean that my project posts will be very current.
Among the house projects I have, now I have a new room to focus on- a baby nursery. That was not something I was expecting to do.
So…. Needless to say, I think this blog will be starting a bit sooner- I hope to be very consistent in my posting about all things, US. Faith, Family, Kids, Budget, Food, Craft, DIY, Design, Pups, and whatever else might creep into my very busy mind.
Thanks for following!
Expect fun new changes with the page as I am constantly updating the design. OH Big thanks to Maria at Style Graphic Design on Etsy for my cute logo. Wait till you see my logo for my homemade dog treat line… SO CUTE!
Happy Fourth of July All!


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