Saturday, August 30, 2014

Family! The Best Medicine

So it’s a widely known truth that family can be the best part of who you are and also the driving force to your journey into insanity. That being said, I am so thankful to have the family that I have. Of course there is “my” family. My parents and my sister, her kids and her husband and his family and then there is my husband’s family, which is also now my family. There is also family that is not family genetically but is family because we love them so much there is no other place for them in the categories of our lives other than, family.

Today Ben, Tristan, and I headed over to Ben’s aunt Kristy’s house for his Cousin Jonah’s 15th birthday party. We walked in and in a split second, our little family of three grows by 20. It’s awesome. With all the stuff we've been dealing with this summer, the love and embracing of our “families” has been the best medicine.

My relationship with Ben’s family has not always been wonderful. There were always lots of different personalities and immature ways of dealing with relational situations. But we've all grown up and have our own babies and now our time together is pretty much exclusively fun and cathartic.

I just felt compelled to share what I was feeling. I feel really blessed that not only I have this wonderful group of people in my life but that my son has them as well. He has an amazing relationship with my sisters kids and he absolutely loves hanging out with his 2nd cousins (or something like that) on Ben’s side. It’s wonderful to grow up with family. 

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