Tuesday, February 3, 2015

DIY Class Room Valentines

I set out to make valentines with Tristan for his class this year. We both wanted to do something fun, easy, and silly. I was so happy to find these cute print-ables on {Pintrest} at Creative Capital B

Super easy! In fact, so easy I really don’t think you need instructions but here we go!

Surf on over toCreative Capital B  and print out these cute cards.

Grab your glue dots, scissors, and mini boxes of nerds.
Go ahead and cut out the cards!

Swipe the glue dots on the card and the box of nerds.

Press nerds box down gently but firmly.

Have your kiddos sign their name and Tada!

Super cute, super easy DIY Valentines!

Look at that smile!!!!
You have plenty of time to do them yourself for your child’s class! 
Go for it, take some pics, share with me- I would love to hear and see those cute smiling faces!

However, if you go to my son’s school, you might want to think about getting cute pencils or fun toys instead because candy is not allowed this year at the Valentines party. 

My son thinks this an outrage! And those are his words! 

But we support Healthy Schools so; these cuties will go to family and family friends and Teachers!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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